Saturday, March 6, 2010

Une petite ballade vers Bourail

Cette fin de semaine je suis aller faire une petite visite dans le coin de Bourail. A la plage de Poe et a la baie des tortues. Et oui si vous vous demander de ou vient le nom et ben la deuxieme photo va surement pouvoir vous repondre.
Il n'y avais pas de tortue au rendez-vous mais leur nid sont proteger et je vais essayer de me renseigner si c'est possible d'assister a l'eclosion des oeufs. Ca doit etre speciale voir des millions de petite tortue en route vers l'ocean!

And then this:

I was given to think about a book, which, although it has marked me profoundy I hadn't thought about in a long time. Recently I gave a copy of "Shibumi" (yes, I know, yet again!). Out of every english language published books I chose that one to give and it's no coincidence. The story is quite good, expertly crafted with well fleshed out characters and seamlessly integrated in the meta-spy sub-genre. Why would I choose this book over any other? Sometimes a piece of art sticks to your bones and perfectly exemplifies the person you are or maybe the person you want to be regardless of it's place in the art hiearchy. It just feels good to read, to see, to hear. Then again the story is quite pedestrian but it is underlined with ethics and especialy aesthetic which I find quite attractive.

One, Shibumi the noun or Shibui the adjective is this books most interesting feature to me. Soetsu Yanagi said of Shibui: "It is not a beauty displayed before the viewer by its creator; creation here means, rather, making a piece that will lead the viewer to draw beauty out of it for himself. In this sense, 'shibui' beauty, the beauty of Tea ceremony, is beauty that makes an artist of the viewer" And if that's not something to strive for then I'm at a lost with what to do with my life.

That's my story and I'm sticking to it!

1 comment:

Jewels said...

Wow, ça serait définitivement spéciale de voire ça. Si tu y assistent, prend plein de photos! :)