Monday, June 11, 2012

Steel Guitar Taking Shape

Last week I showed you bits of aluminium that might have seemed a bit random despite my trying to explain what they were for. Here they are again, a bit modified, with some added bits that, hopefully, will make my intentions clearer.
I still have to polish them up a bit and trim the stainless shafts but apart from that they are mostly done. I found a picture on the net that shows exactly what I`m trying to build.
That peculiar one is owned by David Gilmour. If you don't know who David Gilmour is he used to play guitar in a band called Pink Floyd. Mostly this type of guitar is used by country and western musicians and I'm not sure I like what that sounds like. But put one into Mr. Glimours hands and boy o boy there could hardly be a sweeter sound on this gray earth. To show what I mean listen to this youtube video.
The video is part of the Live in Gdansk DVD. If you where paying attention you might have noticed a beige cabinet behind and to the right of Mr. Gilmour. That's a Yamaha RA-200. It's a rotating speaker somewhat like a Leslie. That's another ongoing project that parhaps I'll get to finish "One of These Days". 

1 comment:

Jewels said...

Nice! Very cool sound :)