Saturday, April 28, 2018

A New Beginning

I've been asked over the last few years: "Why don't you put some new stuff on your blog, I really enjoyed it". Which is surprising to me because I hardly got any feedback. Lately a couple more people asked if I'd do anything with the blog.

Today, I guess you get your answer! It will take a little bit of time to really get back into it because they've changed the interface some and there are things I used to use that I can't find anymore.

I was thinking maybe instead of just doing a show and tell sorta blog that I could do some step by step little projects. I'm not sold on the idea but it could be fun.

Anyhow, on with today's post.
I dug this little chainsaw out of a pile of scrap metal last summer. It is a Poulan 2000 built for Canadian Tire. Interestingly it was made in Canada. Apparently only Canadian models had the chain brake. It didn't look too too bad so I wondered what was wrong with it. After changing the dried and cracked fuel line I gave it a couple of pulls and it ran, not great but it ran. So I decided to give it a little tender loving care. So I took it all apart and scrubbed and doused it in paint remover.
I looked around the garage for paint and the only colours I had are bright pink and black. I would somehow feel silly with a bright pink chainsaw and a completely black one is remarkably easy to lose in the underbrush. I therefore went to the store and bought a can of whatever yellow was on special.
And that's how the littlest of Poulans spent the winter, in a cardboard box with all it's bits unattached. Which brings us to today. This morning over coffee I decided that today was it's day. I cut new gaskets out of bits of leather, made an air filter out of a kitchen sponge, threaded a new fuel line and gas filter, gapped the armature, etc, etc...
"Aren't you ashamed of rebuilding a chainsaw on your kitchen counter?" Only if my mother was to drop by! I have a spare 16" beam (which might be a bit big for it honestly) for my other chainsaw so I figured why not.
There she is in her native element. No she didn't cut the log she's sitting on, that was her big sisters doing. It took four or five pulls to get gas up the line but then she settled at idle and purred like a champ. I now have a tiny chainsaw to cut branches and whatnot's.

1 comment:

Jayelle said...

OMG! You never cease to amaze me Sim! Beautiful rebuilt little jewel you've got there! Happy you're back at blogging, congratulations!