Monday, October 15, 2012

Quiet Sunday Morning

On any quiet sunday morning this is what I might be found doing. In this case turning the inside of a "medium" size titanium flange.
A couple of things might be good for a laugh in this picture. One) Yes, I'm standing on a pallet because I'm too short for the size of the lathe. Two) I'm holding my coffee cup really close to my belly. The reason is coolant splashes and titanium chips don't taste so good in coffee. Three) I'm wearing an ugly beige shirt. They used to be standard issue around here before we got the yellow and green ones. Those shirts are made of lighter material therefore more comfortable when it's really hot. Which happens here, a lot

Notice I'm wearing safety glasses and I guess Icould tell you it's to protect my eyes but the truth is I don't want grief from H&S (the safety nazis). I'm not wearing the yellow hard hat though, that's where I draw the line on weekends.

New feature! A movie. Just me setting up one of the flanges and then turning for a bit. Didn't realize the shop was so echo and that the Blue Rodeo playing on the radio would sound that loud. So there you are, a quiet sunday morning at the shop.